
Producim SCT Routing

With SCT Routing, you have a QRCode scans redirection module to a brand URL.

This redirection is transparent to the end user and responds to the redirection rules that you have set.

In parallel, the scan meta-data is historized and allows alarms to be generated for the brand.

All this information is then available for analysis via Data Analytics.

Note that there is a possible operation with unit QRCode or not (batch level, product reference …).

starting from 38 500 €

Information request


From the consumer’s point of view:

When he scans a QR code from his mobile, he is automatically redirected, in his web browser, to a web page of the brand that corresponds to the product or a targeted marketing operation …


From the Brand point of view:

The displayed URL has been previously set in SCT Routing.

Scanned data are exploited and archived for analysis.
